A service unlike any other, our personalised home finder program takes the hard work out of finding a home for you.

Sometimes it’s frustrating trying to find the right home. Sometimes you may wish that an agent actually took you seriously and proactively searched for a home on your behalf.

Our personalised home finding service will do just that.

At your request, we will meet and target home owners that fit the description of the property you are looking for, and match them to your requirements. Many sellers also find the sale process stressful and just wish the right buyer would walk in. Our discreet introduction service can facilitate this (yes, we know it sounds like a dating service, but hey, it works).

To find out more contact us today.

Current buyers waiting

Views and Light

Henry and Rachel currently have their house on the market. They are looking to move to Highton with a view of any other central-ish suburb in Geelong. They love a mid century home but the most important thing for them is an aspect or view so they feel like they have lots of space.
They have a cavoodle puppy so room for him is important. Three bedrooms minimum. Budget is around the million dollar mark. If you have a property that suits or know someone who has and have been considering selling, please call Sara at the office on 5292 8084.

4 Bedroom with Dog

Catherine purchased a property which fell through, and has all her finance ready to go. She is currently looking for a 4 bedroom property close to her kids schools.
Herne Hill, Manifold Heights, Geelong West or Newtown. Happy to do a small amount of cosmetic work. At least one off street parking spot. Budget is around $1,000,000 but could go slightly higher for the right property. If you have a property you think would suit and have been thinking of making a move yourself, please call Sara on 5292 8084.

Walk to Shops

A couple who are downsizing from Highton are looking to move into Geelong West. They would love to be able to walk to the shops and cafes as they are fit and active people.
They are keen renovators so happy to do work on a property, in fact it is their preference. Budget is between $750,000 and $1,000,000 depending on the property. If you have been thinking of selling or know someone who has been please give Jackson a call at the office on 5292 8084.

Family Needs Space

We have a family with 3 young kids who need more space! They currently live in East Geelong which they love but have outgrown their property. They need 4 bedrooms, 2 living, 2 cars and space for the kids to play outside.
Keen to stay within a similar area but also open to changing locations for the right property.
Budget is around $1,500,000. If you have a property that may suit or know someone who does please contact Sara or Jackson at the office on 5292 8084.