July 17, 2019 Keeping your home warm this winter | Sara Taylor and Jackson Wilson Kardinia Property Geelong Keeping your home warm in winter can be a never ending battle. Making sure the kids shut the door, closing blinds and curtains and...
July 11, 2019 Client Testimonial Jackson Wilson Thank you for your kind words Bruce, Gail and Andrew… We are very appreciative of the level of professionalism and service given by Jackson...
June 26, 2019 Should you take out Lenders Mortgage Insurance? What is Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI) and should you have it? Actually, that’s kind of a trick question, since it is not your choice,...
June 26, 2019 Building and Pest Inspections Is a building and pest inspection that important? Is it necessary to have a property inspected by a professional when buying and how much...
June 26, 2019 Tenants’ rights strengthened VICTORIAN tenants will officially be able to make minor modifications to their rental homes and own pets without landlord consent after new laws passed...
June 24, 2019 Knowledge, power and real estate advertising A dangerous trend has emerged in real estate advertising with privacy and price implications. Too much personal information is being revealed during marketing campaigns....
June 24, 2019 11 tips to make moving day stress-free If you’re enthusiastic about moving day, you represent a minority of the population. Even if you’re upgrading from an old to new home, small...
June 24, 2019 Is there another buyer? Competition increases value. Agents know it, and they use it to achieve a better price. That’s their job after all. What is harrowing as...
June 24, 2019 The grass isn’t always greener on the other side When a house doesn’t sell after a prolonged campaign, there is a natural tendency for the seller to look to other avenues for success....
June 24, 2019 Know your purpose for investing in property Many people assume property investors are rich and carefree. This is far from true. Most residential property investors are simply striving to create a...
June 24, 2019 Neither a rising nor falling market is a bad thing: selling in either market The real estate market is not a single entity. It consists of millions of people making individual decisions based on their personal needs and...